Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ferried Past the Fear

Someone had just left her there on the wharf with her legs draped over the end of the cargo cart. Her finger tips gently touched the edge of the fence that separated her from the upright people about to board the ferry. Did I hear a whispered last breath? "Help me."

What a display for me to happen upon  -- ME on the day I would be facing a lingering post-SCAD fear, which was to board a ferry in Portland and travel out to visit one of the many islands we have in Casco Bay. Need I say that she scared the bejeezus out of me? It was only for a moment, but still...

Rescue-Me Rhonda. Saved-at-Sea Suzie. Whatever her name was, she was a sight to behold! There she was, buck naked and wound in rope. Couldn't one of the crew have thrown a tarp or an old rain slicker over her until she was needed for her next mission?

I stopped to take a few pictures just to record the irony of the moment. Here I had arrived early to process my SCAD-related fear and this is what the universe threw in my path! What if something happened to me? Would they cart me back to shore like this?

This type of fear is a slow, simmering worry.  I think of it as a pondering old owl that has been sitting on my shoulder since I had my SCAD two years ago. The owl sits there judging what I should and should not do. It is not always a rational owl, or a wise owl. It likes most to screen situations for safety, sometimes at the expense of joy. 

The owl has been deliberating on this one for a while. Going out to sea and spending a day on one of the island beaches was always one of my favorite things to do in summer in Maine. Every time I thought about going, the owl would hoot, "The boat won't be back for twooooo hours or more! What if something happens with your heart!" 

Two summers have passed without an island trip and the owl still hooting away so I decided it was time to deal with it. After all, the islands are populated. There are emergency responders on each island. There are also emergency water taxis that can zip people right back into Portland. And of course there is the obvious -- my heart is healed and I have had no problems in the last two years. Owl overruled!

This trip turned out to be a great choice to get my sea courage back. I went with good friends to the closest island, Peaks Island, the one most populated and with the most frequent ferry runs. We had a lovely dinner on the deck of The Cockeyed Gull where we watched the sky fade into evening over the city in the distance. A few hours later, the ferry returned us all back safely.

It was a small step but I did it and shut the old owl up, despite Rescue-Me Rhonda at the start of my path! I do not really understand why the thought of being out on an island caused me much greater worry than flying in an airplane. (I have flown three times in two years and the owl snoozed through all of those. Go figure!). 

Fear is not rational. Neither is SCAD. I have no explanation for either.


  1. I'm not the only one?? Wow! I am 6 months out and I'm looking for the nearest hospital while planning road trips and have caught myself avoiding my favorite off the beaten path spots because of it. I was told I am alive because of my husband's quick reaction and the fact that we live only 3.5 miles from the hospital. Any thoughts of being an hour away from one can be too much for me to handle.

  2. I am so sorry to hear you were going through all this that evening, and the rest of us were oblivious! That said, I am happy our little island journey was part of your healing and empowerment. Time to leave the fear behind. As Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith says, "Worrying is rehearsing what you DON'T want to happen."
    Peace, love & blessings, Nancy

  3. Your words are so true. I'm just over a year post scad and planning a holiday to more remote areas than I am truly comfortable with. But my owl must be shut up too!! Thank you for sharing and much love to you. Melissa

  4. Your words are so true. I'm just over a year post scad and planning a holiday to more remote areas than I am truly comfortable with. But my owl must be shut up too!! Thank you for sharing and much love to you. Melissa

  5. You are an amazing writer, Kim. Keep it up!
